FREE Online Communication Management
System for First Responders

Fire Departments

Case Studies

A piece of extrication equipment has to go in for repairs and now the first out engine will not have this equipment.

Before TexCom, you would have to post something on the notice board and call a few firefighters who you think will respond with this truck for the next vehicle accident.

Once TexCom is implemented, all you need to do is post an out of service message with this information, select the send alert option, and instantly all firefighters in your department are notified on the TexCom home page, by email, and even by text message to their phones and pagers. So now everybody will know within seconds instead of hours or even days.

A resident of your community has just called you to see if you could do a fire safety demonstration at their neighborhood block party this Saturday.

Before TexCom, you would have to start calling firefightrers...one by one. Since they are busy you may not be able to get their attention until the next alarm.

If you have TexCom, all you do is post this as an event, send an alert, and instantly everyone will know about this upcoming event. Then interested members can log into TexCom and select the sign up option for this event. When you view the message on TexCom later on, you can see that 4 firefighters have signed up for it and there is nothing else you need to do. That was easy!

You want your firefighters to be able to view common files such as SOG's and department forms.

Before TexCom, you would store them on a computer at your station, but your firefighters would have to be at the station to get to them.

TexCom has an Zones area dedicated to handling this request. You can store SOG's, forms, maps, training schedules, and links in an easily accessible area on the site. Now your users can get to them no matter where they are at.

One of your full time firefighters has just called in sick for his shift that starts in 45 minutes.

Before TexCom, you would start calling firefighters that may be able to fill his shift.

With TexCom, simply send a text message to the group of firefighters that are qualified. Then just sit back and relax a few minutes and watch the phone start to ring. Another way TexCom saves the day!

You have just updated one of your fire department standard operating policies and need to inform everyone of the change.

Before TexCom, you would wait until the next fire department training to discuss it and hope everyone is listening and understands. Then you also need to follow up with those firefighters that were not in attendance. So two weeks later you still are not sure if everybody knows about the change or not.

If you were using TexCom, all you need to do is post a message with read verification and attach the new policy. When your firefighters read the message, they are asked to electronically sign that they have read and understand the message. Two weeks later you view this message and everybody has signed off on the new policy. You can then print the message and the proof of their acknowledgement for your records.

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